Supporting the rehabilitation process using modern technologies and innovative methods

Supporting the rehabilitation process using modern technologies and innovative methods

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), rehabilitation is a comprehensive activity focused on people with mental and physical disabilities. The ultimate goal of this procedure is to restore them to their full physical and mental fitness as much as possible. A successful rehabilitation process should result in the ability to take an active part in society and work. For best results, rehabilitation should start as soon as possible. In 2016, Poles had to wait over 5 months on average to start rehabilitation treatments. In such a situation, their effectiveness was drastically limited.

Modern technologies and rehabilitation treatments

The Ministry of Economy was the first to notice the potential of information technology as a tool supporting the process of improving the quality of social life. A catalog of National Smart Specializations (KIS) was prepared. As part of it, the idea of ​​using the so-called telemedicine technologies was born. These are various algorithms, programs, products and solutions enabling the adaptation of existing communication and information technologies. Such activities are aimed at drastically improving the methods of archiving, acquiring and analyzing data on the patient’s health.

Access to this information should be made available to healthcare professionals. When it comes to rehabilitation, all compensatory, therapeutic, and other devices are most useful.rehabilitation and diagnostics facilitating the work of therapists. With their help, it became possible to both implement completely new forms of therapy and improve the existing methods of rehabilitation. In addition to improving the effectiveness, modern technologies also contribute to reducing therapy costs.

A catalog of modern technologies supporting the rehabilitation process

Among the most versatile are the various applications intended for use on mobile devices. They are widely available, while rehabilitation centers can invest in special software in the field of rehabilitation treatments. Each of the available applications is designed to accelerate the recovery process of patients. E-rehabilitation is slowly becoming an important factor supporting the operation of larger rehabilitation centers. These programs often combine various useful functionalities, such as the possibility of keeping an appointment log or registering patients.

An interesting category are applications designed to observe the physiological functions of people participating in the rehabilitation process. An excellent example is the Instant Heart Rate program,which is able to accurately measure blood pressure without outside interference. Many applications are intended for people undergoing rehabilitation at home. They may contain catalogs of useful rehabilitation exercises. Just select the trauma related to that user from the list. In addition to a short description of this injury, we will receive the optimal type of exercise in the form of a short video. Such applications are helpful in developing the motor functions and overall coordination of the patient. Some of them allow the therapist to control the effects of rehabilitation of their charges at home.Just select the trauma related to that user from the list. In addition to a short description of this injury, we will receive the optimal type of exercise in the form of a short video.

Innovative forms of therapy

In children with cerebral palsy, it is extremely important to find a method that enables effective movement exercises. This is where special space suits come in handy, such as the rehabilitation orthosis type DUNAG 02. Between the individual elements of the suit, strings are placed, which enable balancing and correcting the biomechanical system of the person participating in rehabilitation. With the help of overalls, it will be much easier to consolidate the correct movement patterns. Spider Suit and Upsee are also available. The former is aimed at patients suffering from CNS disorders. Its course is usually closely related to defects that arise at the stage of prenatal development. The Upsee brace, on the other hand, is especially useful for learning to walk and standing upright.Children with neuromuscular defects can benefit greatly from this type of rehabilitation. A relatively normal life for such children becomes possible – walks and games with peers cease to be a huge challenge.

The innovation of a given method does not have to be based on the use of modern technologies. A perfect example is the so-called dog therapy (kynotherapy). It is a form of rehabilitation through exercise and games with a specially trained dog. It works especially well with children with physical or mental disabilities. A considerable advantage of dog therapy is the development of the emotional sphere resulting from direct and long-term contact with the dog. The success of this method depends largely on whether the rehabilitated person manages to establish a psychological bond with the dog.