The most important day in the life of young people in love with each other, i.e. their wedding day, requires a lot of organization and proper preparation. Thoughts and orders require, among other things, wedding invitations, decorations and flowers. Each decision made before the wedding day has an impact on the appearance and the entire course of this special day. Therefore, it is worth making a list, the step by step of which will allow you to plan your wedding in detail without omitting the most important elements.
Time and location
The first decision the bride and groom must make is the location of the wedding. The choice of a wedding hall affects the date of the wedding, because the most popular venues and restaurants usually have reservations several years in advance. Therefore, the choice of the wedding venue will determine all subsequent decisions, such as the date of the wedding. After booking the wedding hall, you should go to the office or church, depending on your own beliefs, and talk about the possibility of getting married on a selected date. After booking the date with the appropriate time of the ceremony, the bride and groom receive a list of all required documents, the submission of which determines the possibility of getting married. Getting married in a church requires a concordat wedding. Means,that the bride and groom are committed to completing and signing all the necessary official documents to be legally married.
Guest list
After booking the wedding hall and the date of the wedding ceremony, you should write at least an initial list of guests. This can be a very difficult task, because the numerous family circle of each partner, as well as often close friends and acquaintances, are people who cannot be missing on this important day. Writing a detailed list of guests allows you to estimate the final number of wedding guests. After compiling the list, you can order the wedding invitations. The best time to present wedding invitations is at least a few months before the planned celebration. Thanks to this, each of the guests will have a chance to prepare and plan this time accordingly. Wedding invitations for guests staying abroad should be sent in advance, as the organization of their arrival is much more complicated.Wedding invitations are the first decorative element that the bride and groom must choose. Ordering personalized invitations is the best solution, thanks to which all important information will be placed according to individual preferences and tips.
Bride and groom costumes
The selection of a wedding dress and suit should take place at least a few months before the planned wedding date. Most salons dealing with sewing dresses and suits require patience while waiting. It is rarely possible to buy a selected outfit on the spot and take it home with you. So that the search is not too stressful and is associated only with a pleasant expectation of the wedding day, it is worth starting it right after setting the wedding date. When choosing accessories such as shoes or a veil, you should take into account the month and possible weather that may prevail on the day of the ceremony.
Service providers
The choice of service providers is of great importance for the success and good organization of the entire wedding and wedding ceremony. Photographer, cameraman, music band and service in the wedding hall will have an impact on the satisfaction of the bride and groom and guests. Any communication problems with service providers should be solved immediately and, possibly, radical decisions should be made to change them well in advance of the wedding, so that you have time to find a new service provider. Even the person who creates the wedding invitations can be an important element, because any mistake on the invitations will mislead the guests and disrupt the course of the whole day. The hairdresser or make-up artist, in turn, have an impact on the final appearance of the bride, which will be captured both in the film and in photos.Each time you watch them, the bride and other guests will remind themselves of her successful or completely unsuccessful hairstyle on the wedding day.
Good mood
However, the most important thing on the wedding day is attitude, because even the most beautiful decorations, wedding invitations and flowers in a bouquet will not make the bride and groom happy. The wedding day is primarily a celebration of love, so the right attitude and good humor are all you really need. Many months of planning and organizing a wedding day cannot be destroyed by a single grunt or unkind word of a stranger, for example, in a wedding hall. Even in the case of minor mistakes or unsuccessful attractions, one should not lose heart, because such an important day is the only and most important one. A bride and groom who focuses too much on details and forgets the most important essence of the day, will not remember their wedding with great joy and love, but rather with great relief.